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  • Hypnosis: Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, Phoenix AZ

    Award-winning Hypnosis by a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a Master's Degree in Psychology. Hypnosis works! Established 2007. Hypnotherapy Will Help You Feel Better and Succeed! Daniel Oromaner was certified in clinical hypnotherapy in 2007. The one-year training program he attended was limited to those with a master's degree, so the instruction and practice sessions were geared to students who already understood human behavior. Prior to this training, he earned an undergraduate and a graduate degree in psychology at CUNY. As a result of his education, training and experience, Inner Power Hypnosis has been rated as one of Three Best in Hypnosis for multiple years. Located on Broadway Road near the 101 freeway, the office is easily accessible from Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert, Phoenix, and Chandler Arizona. Mr. Oromaner understands issues at a deep level, and can unearth the root cause(s) to activate rapid and effective long-term healing. Most patients arrive for their first session with little understanding of the real reasons behind their fears, negative beliefs or failures. They blame their job, marriage or kids for their stress and insomnia; many blame their sugar addiction or lack of exercise for their excess weight. In some cases, nightly drinking is considered just a bad habit. Binge drinking is justified as blowing off steam. Yet, whenever our behaviors are unhelpful or unhealthy, the reasons are not so simple. Getting to the root of a problem is important, and only a well-qualified practitioner is able to determine the true causes. Daniel Oromaner was first certified as a Hypnotherapist by the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association. Then, he was certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by the rigorous American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. This combination distinguishes him from other practitioners in the Phoenix Valley and helps him apply his decades of knowledge and experience to help clients meet or exceed their goals. Specialties of the practice include: anxiety and panic attacks, weight loss, and other sabotaging behaviors. A glance at the Testimonials page will tell you how successful he has been in treating these (and other) issues, and how much his clients appreciate their work together! About About Daniel Daniel is a certified clinical hypnotherapist--the highest certification in the USA. The CCHt program requires more than double the classroom hours required for a hypnotherapist (CHt) certification. As a graduate of the Colorado School of Counseling Hypnotherapy, he was personally trained by Zoilita Grant, MS, CCHt, an expert who wrote 27 books on the subject. Here she is presenting at a recent conference: Zoilita Grant, MS, CCHt Daniel's bachelor's degree in psychology prepared him well for the Graduate Record Exam in that subject; he scored at the 99th percentile. One of the highest in the nation. Read More > Daniel S. Oromaner, MBA, CCHt Click the arrow below to hear Daniel interviewed on National Broadcast Radio Hypnosis Services Hypnosis Services Anxiety/Panic Weight Loss Self-Sabotage Approximately 40 million American adults--18% of the population--have an anxiety disorder. Yet, most people never seek treatment. Anxiety is a specialty of this practice--including insomnia, phobias, social anxiety and panic attacks. Read More About Anxiety > Nearly 70% of Arizona adults are overweight or obese. Most try popular diets. Yet, even if they lose weight, the pounds come back. It seems hopeless, but it isn't. Permanent weight loss is possible! Obesity hurts your self-esteem, job prospects and your health. Read More About Weight Loss > Many people seek help because they have self-destructive tendencies. They engage in behaviors that hurt their health (i.e. smoking), relationships, and/or career. They are uncomfortable when things go well, and act-out or create drama to erase any success or happiness. Read More About Self-Sabotage > Alcohol Abuse The five stages of alcohol abuse are: 1) Binge drinking, 2) Frequent drinking, 3) Problem drinking, 4) Alcohol dependence, and 5) Alcoholism. As many as 17% of men and 8% of women will meet the criteria for alcoholism in their lifetime. And, binge drinking often starts young. Read More About Alcohol Abuse > Childhood Abuse The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 Americans were sexually molested as a child, and 1 in 4 were beaten by a parent to the point of physical harm. In extreme cases there may be no memory of the abuse (repression). Both types create serious, long-lasting problems. Read More About Childhood Abuse > Relationship Issues Relationship and intimacy issues are very common. Marriages and relationships are hurt by jealousy, control/trust issues, anger, or submissiveness. And, most sexual issues have a psychological component. Clinical hypnotherapy can help to overcome these difficulties. Read More About Relationships > Hypnosis Contact

  • Hypnotherapy Medical Research: Scottsdale, Phoenix

    Learn about studies at prestigious hospitals and universities that found Hypnotherapy is effective at treating many issues. Medical Research For decades, medical and university researchers published studies testing the effectiveness of hypnotherapy on a variety of ailments. The results of these placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials were published in prestigious medical journals such as The Lancet , and the New England Journal of Medicine . Contrary to myths and some false claims you may have heard or read, hypnotherapy has been proven to be a quick and effective treatment modality. For example, the lead researcher on an extensive New York hospital study of the use of hypnosis right before breast surgery concluded: "If this were a drug, everyone would be using it." Anxiety Anxiety Reserch Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States--and a specialty of this practice. In 1985, 18% of UCLA incoming freshmen indicated, "I feel overwhelmed by all I have to do." In 2016, 41% of UCLA freshmen agreed with that statement. What would the number be now? Unfortunately, most treatment modalities are not very effective. The pharmaceutical approach only provides some relief at best, and it can diminish over time. Psychotherapy or CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) which is currently popular, is promoted as effective in treating anxiety, yet those studies show a small improvement. In contrast, my goal posts are assisting a patient to accomplish a challenging task with little or no anxiety. Getting on an airplane, standing in front of a group to speak, dating, or driving at freeway speeds comfortably. To me this is a no-brainer. When I bring my car to a mechanic, I want it fixed . I don't want it returned "a little better." A clinical review looked at the existing research on hypnosis and concluded: "There is good evidence from randomized, controlled trials that hypnosis can reduce anxiety." The same report also concluded that hypnotherapy was proven to be effective in treating panic attacks and phobia. Vickers & Zollman, "Hypnosis & Relaxation Therapies," British Medical Journal 1999, vol. 319 The use of hypnosis was found to be safe and helpful in children, particularly for anxiety disorder, nocturnal enuresis or insomnia. International Journal of Clinical Pediatrics , 2013, doi: 10.4021/ijcp104w In this meta-analysis of 17 trials, it was found that the average participant receiving hypnosis reduced anxiety more than 79% of control participants. At the longest follow-up, those treated with hypnosis improved more than 84% of control participants. "The Efficacy of Hypnosis as a Treatment for Anxiety," Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2019 Jul-Sep;67(3):336-363. doi: 10.1080/00207144.2019.1613863. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) IBS is a disorder characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, and altered bowel habit. IBS affects between 25 and 45 million people in the United States. Since there is a stress component in most IBS patients, it's not surprising that hypnotherapy has been tried and tested. Notice, this first study was published in one of the world's oldest and best-known general medical journals. These patients showed a dramatic improvement in all features, and no relapses were recorded during the 3-month follow-up period. Whorwell, P., Prior, A., & Faragher, E. (1984). "Controlled trial of hypnotherapy in the treatment of severe refractory irritable-bowel syndrome." The Lancet , 324(8414), 1232-1234. The study authors found that members of the Gut Directed Hypnotherapy (GDH) group, compared to the control participants, showed significantly greater positive effects on IBS symptoms. Further, the participants maintained these improvements after one year. Lindfors P et al. "Effects of gut-directed hypnotherapy on IBS in different clinical settings-Results from two randomized, controlled trials." The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012;107:276-85. Weight Loss Obesity in the United States is a major health issue. It increases the risk of certain types of cancer, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Excess weight also decreases the person's quality of life and longevity. Obesity has been cited as a contributing factor to approximately 100,000–400,000 deaths in the United States per year. Over 70% of American adults are either overweight or obese, and in most of those cases the causes reside in the subconscious mind. Thus, an investment in hypnotherapy for weight loss pays significant lifelong dividends! Smokers and nonsmokers achieved significant weight losses and decreases in Body Mass Index. "Weight Loss for Women: Studies of Smokers and Nonsmokers Using Hypnosis and Multicomponent Treatments With and Without Overt Aversion." D L Johnson. Psychological Reports , 1997 Jun;80(3 Pt 1):931-3.doi: 10.2466/pr0.1997.80.3.931. This paper reviews the literature on the use of hypnosis in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders. It proposes that patients with eating disorders ought to be investigated as to the underlying dynamics behind the eating disorders symptoms. M S Torem, "The Use of Hypnosis With Eating Disorders." Psychiatric Medicine 1992;10(4):105-18.

  • Sex/Relationship Hypnosis: Phoenix, Gilbert, Chandler AZ

    Relationship Issues Sometimes, relationship/marital issues can become a part of our hypnotherapy work when a patient is being treated for another challenge. I take a holistic approach, and it's easy to see how someone's anxiety, insecurity, perfectionism or history of alcohol or substance abuse could affect their marriage or romantic relationship. Even in weight-loss or smoking cases, there can be rebellion or anger toward a spouse that feeds the client's issues. There have also been patients who seek my assistance to heal after a divorce or a bad breakup. While these situations are sad, and most people take time to recover and get on with their lives--for some the pain is overwhelming. Instances where the partner was unfaithful can pose a particular challenge, but hypnosis can help the patient heal, learn from the situation and move on. In my coaching work we illuminate the reasons for the attraction to the one who eventually cheats, and create ways to minimize the possibility of having a cheating partner in the future. On the flip side, I also have extensive experience helping insecure partners, who risk alienating their spouse with constant jealousy and (unfounded) suspicion. An excellent recent article on common relationship mistakes and mistaken beliefs can be found here: "Six Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal ." For singles, a lack of confidence and social anxiety have a major effect on their romantic possibilities. I've helped many men and women overcome these challenges. With the proper support and healing at the subconscious level, they've been able to find and establish healthy, loving relationships! Improving social competence and confidence for teens and college students is another specialty of this practice. Young people often have self-esteem issues. And since the source of these insecurities is often found in their childhood experiences, hypnosis can provide a needed and rapid boost to their confidence! Sex Issues Approximately 15-20% of couples in the US didn't have sex in the past year. They miss out on the health and intimacy benefits of a regular sex life. In contrast, the average married couple has sex about once per week. Those couples are the happiest; and, although sex more frequently can be a joyful and bonding experience, research shows it does not lead to greater levels of happiness. On the flip side, people in sexless relationships report less happiness and are more likely to consider divorce or splitting up. We should remember that in some cases, a sexless marriage can be due to physical ailments that can lower the sex drive. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and some prescription drugs may be the cause of a diminished libido. While I do not get involved in medical causes for these difficulties, I've found that many sexual issues between partners have a psychological basis. And, even if not the only cause, these issues may discourage a person from sexual intimacy. Anxiety, body image, a lack of confidence and feelings of inadequacy can play a role. Hypnotherapy has helped in all of these areas. A history of sexual abuse can also be a factor that can be treated. In cases of erectile dysfunction that do not have a physiological cause, hypnosis has been helpful to bring these men back to being fully functional. Sometimes the real issue is one of unspoken anger between the partners--and I've helped women (with low libidos) work through those issues as well. < Back

  • Hypnotherapy for Childhood Abuse-Tempe AZ

    Childhood Sexual or Physical Abuse Childhood Abuse Although I've treated adults with debilitating childhood physical and/or sexual abuse, and although some psychiatrists diagnose PTSD for every case of sexual abuse, I find it more accurate to restrict the PTSD designation to those whose lives were threatened. In some extreme childhood abuse cases, that was true. I've worked with patients who were threatened with guns, knives, and strangulation as children. The aggressor was often a parent, sibling, or older relative--and those terrifying threats had a lasting effect. On occasion I've treated a woman or man for anxiety/panic attacks or obesity, and discovered they were physically and/or sexually abused as a child. Yet, they had no conscious memory of it. This type of repression is more common than people realize. The mind attempts to protect the individual from painful memories that it doesn't think could be accepted or handled. A tell-tale sign exists when the patient reveals that her/his childhood memories have major gaps or blank periods. In extreme cases, they may remember very little of their childhood. Sometimes they have a feeling that "something happened," but not always. In less extreme cases, the patient remembers the beatings or sexual abuse. However, even when remembered, it is rare for the child to report the abuse to a parent or school official. They just accept it, and try to move on with their lives. Unfortunately, these experiences usually have life-long negative effects unless treated. According to the CDC, approximately one in four girls, and one in 13 boys experience childhood sexual abuse. Because so many victims never speak up, school counselors are taught that a girl's obesity could be a symptom of sexual abuse. From the point of view of the inner child, this makes perfect sense. Men are much less interested in an overweight girl or woman. Thus, it serves as a useful layer of protection. And, even though the threat and abuser may be long gone, the inner child maintains the extra pounds for decades--because in her world the threat is still very real! While the healing process usually takes longer in cases of severe childhood physical and/or sexual abuse, life-changing improvements have been experienced by my hypnotherapy patients. < Back

  • Weight Loss: Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Phoenix AZ

    Weight Loss Time for Dessert French Fries Fudge Brownies Describe your image Time for Dessert 1/7 Why would a practitioner who has helped people lose weight for almost two decades have a gallery of guilty pleasure foods here? Aren't diets supposed to be about willpower and deprivation? Yes, most diets are a struggle. But this is different. My hypnosis for weight loss patients do not feel deprived. How is that possible? All diets you've tried involved deprivation and an inner battle. Did you ever wonder who you were fighting? And, why it was so difficult? If you have considerable amount of weight to lose (40 lbs. or more), the battle of wills is between you and your subconscious mind. That is your inner child. In cases of sexual abuse , the inner child needs the weight as protection to ward off men. In other cases, he/she may be packing on the pounds to get back at parents or a spouse. Rebellion and anger are often involved. It may not make any sense to your adult mind, but children see the world differently! You may also struggle with your weight because food was used as a reward when you were a kid, or the only way to be accepted in your family was if you were heavy. I've worked with patients who were single and were afraid to date. In those cases, the extra pounds gave them an excuse not to socialize--until they got in shape. Not surprisingly, since the weight kept them from doing something scary, it seemed impossible to get trim. Have you thought: "I'll only have one cookie" or "Just a few chips." How about a splurge to reward yourself for working out? Ever consoled yourself with a pint of Ben & Jerry's? We all have. Where do you think those impulses came from? Yes, your subconscious/inner child. They are powerful thoughts--which is why it's so difficult to change unhealthy habits encouraged by that inner voice! Fortunately, through hypnosis we can change that voice and your inner-child messages. It's like removing half the players from one side in a tug-of-war. It gets easier to win. And , the process also makes your adult-self team stronger. That's why the effects of this method are permanent! As an adult, your subconscious is closed; nothing can change the new balance-of-power. So, wouldn't you like to conquer your weight issue once and for all? And, what better time than now? In the early 1990s 55% of the American adult population was overweight or obese. It is now almost 72%. The obesity rate of children is rising too. My weight loss hypnosis program was created by Zoilita Grant, MS, CCHt. She was obese for many years before she discovered hypnotherapy. Since then her weight has been normal for over 25 years. She understands! And, hypnotherapy for weight loss has been endorsed by leading psychologists and doctors. While your weight has a great deal to do with your self-confidence and even your job success, what's most important are the effects on your health. As you probably know, overweight and obese individuals are at increased risk for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, snoring/sleep apnea, stroke and some types of cancers (breast and colon). And, if you are a parent, wouldn't it be great to be a role model by tackling something difficult and succeeding? < Back

  • Alcohol Treatment: Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale

    Hypnosis for Alcohol Abuse Hypnosis for Alcohol Abuse Binge drinking is the most common form of excessive alcohol consumption. It's defined as 4 or more drinks in a few hours for women and 5 or more drinks in a few hours for men. Heavy drinking for women is 8 or more drinks per week, and 15 or more drinks per week for men. The gender difference is based solely on average size and weight. The CDC's Dietary Guidelines for alcohol define moderate drinking as up to 1 drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. Many are surprised that these recommendations are so low. They think they can hold their liquor, and point to how frequently heavy drinking is shown on TV and in the movies--with few negative consequences. Many look to family and friends for comparisons. However, since heavy drinkers tend to associate with other heavy drinkers--and shun those who drink in moderation, or don't drink at all-- these comparisons just feed the denial. Because early experiences shape our lives, alcoholics frequently have family members who are also heavy drinkers. By the time someone comes to my office wanting help with their alcohol problem, the women are drinking at least a bottle of wine a day, and the men are drinking at least 4-6 beers or drinks per day. At the higher consumption levels, alcohol can create problems on the job, with a spouse, children, health, and with the law. Everyone I've known in my professional and personal life who had an alcohol problem has damaged their children and spousal relationship(s). Even for those who aren't heavy drinkers, I always suggest that when both people have been drinking, that's not the time for an argument with a loved one! So, is alcoholism a disease? Although medical societies, hospitals and treatment facilities lobbied to get it classified as such, I don't believe it is a disease. This classification allows healthcare providers to bill insurance companies for their services, but it actually does not fit the disease category. If you are curious about this point, you can click this link to find an excellent article: "Is Alcoholism a Disease?" Does alcoholism run in families? Researchers have found some (minor) genetic propensities, but that is not the most important reason it runs in families. The reason is behavioral. Alcoholic parents not only serve as role models for their children, but they also damage their children. Those children have a greater likelihood of becoming alcohol abusers themselves, and/or marrying an alcoholic. Most of those who start drinking early in life, cut back as they get older. Their college years were enjoyable, but family and job responsibilities take precedence as they age. In addition, as we get older our bodies are not as good at metabolizing alcohol, so most cut back. However, some men and women continue heavy drinking as they get older. They seek my help when they recognize the dangers and negative effects on their lives and families. Treatment Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935. You probably know someone who has been clean and sober for years or decades thanks to this program. I've known those people; I've had some as patients--for issues other than alcohol. However, research shows that only 5-10% of AA members are able to quit drinking permanently. The track record for most residential treatment programs is not much better. Some people have been able to successfully stop drinking on their own, but the reasons vary. Sometimes a serious health issue arises, or a beloved spouse makes a credible threat of divorce. My program for people who are heavy drinkers involves getting to the heart of the (subconscious) causes and healing those causes. I work with people who could be classified as functional alcoholics. With treatment they are able to decrease their consumption, and many have been able to become social drinkers with no worries about going off the deep end again. I do not treat those with alcohol dependence--those who are not able to maintain their responsibilities and have no control over their drinking. However, even in those cases, after they have been through a rehab facility and gotten sober, I'm able to help them minimize their chances of abusing alcohol again. It is possible to enjoy life without being tipsy, high or drunk! < Back

  • Hypnotherapy Awards | Tempe, Chandler AZ

    Awards and Recognition If you wish to read the 2022 interview in CanvasRebel Magazine , just click on the image below: If you wish to read the 2018 interview in Voyage Phoenix Magazine , just click on the image below: Inner Power Hypnosis & Coaching was selected in 2020, 2021, and 2022 as one of the Top 3 in Hypnotherapy in Tempe by Three Best Rated . On May 16, 2019 I was interviewed by the National Broadcast Radio FM about my education, experience, training-- and my work with Inner Power Hypnosis & Coaching. I had been previously interviewed about my hypnotherapy work and methods on All Business Media FM Inner Power Hypnosis was selected as the Best Hypnotist in Tempe in 2012, 2013, 2016, and 2017 by the Best of Business Awards Program. Natural Awakenings Arizona specializes in complementary and holistic approaches to healthcare and healing. Inner Power Hypnosis won Best Weight Loss Program in their 2010, 2011 and 2012 Reader Polls, and Favorite Life Coach in their 2011 and 2012 Reader Polls.

  • Anxiety Relief: Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, PHX AZ

    Hypnosis for Anxiety and Panic Attacks Life can be stressful, but some worry more than is reasonable. Usually those people don't realize that excessive worry is an anxiety symptom. They think they just have trouble sleeping, or are stressed because of their job, marriage or family. People with anxiety tend to second-guess themselves and often obsess about what others think of them. They are unduly afraid of making a mistake, or offending someone; and they generally have trouble relaxing. People who grew up in a home with alcohol and/or drug abuse often have anxiety. Similarly, excessive yelling or criticism in childhood may result in anxiety. At the extremes, those who experienced physical and/or sexual abuse often have lifelong anxiety. Irrational fears (phobias) are also symptoms of anxiety. Claustrophobia--or fear of enclosed places--is common. These people have trouble in elevators, airplanes, crowds, and confined spaces. There are other kinds of phobias too, although most people that suffer with them don't think of them as anxiety. They just try to avoid the trigger as much as possible. Men and women with social anxiety avoid social situations--for some, even talking with co-workers or family members can provoke anxiety. Being single and talking to an attractive dating prospect can be a challenge. If they can't avoid it, their brain may freeze and not be able to find words to say. Speaking in work meetings or doing presentations can also trigger those with this type of anxiety. Some anxiety patients are afraid to drive on our freeways. Others freak out when caught in traffic. Sometimes driving anxiety is the result of a car accident, but not always. Insomnia People with anxiety tend to have insomnia. They can't shut off their thoughts. They worry about the future, and regret what they said or did. They second-guess their words and actions, and often wish they could go back and do things differently. People with insomnia toss and turn. The experience is very frustrating. While most people fall asleep within fifteen minutes, those with insomnia may need 1-3 hours (or more) to finally fall asleep. At the extremes, some may need 4-5 hours to fall asleep, and on some nights can't fall asleep at all. It's understandable they would be desperate to try a method or substance that might help quiet their mind so they can sleep. I've had patients who were abusing alcohol or drugs that started their habit as a means to fall asleep! Sometimes those substances help them relax and sleep, but if they get up in the middle of the night, they have difficulty falling back asleep. Prescription sleep medications may help, but long-term use can result in serious health consequences. They are designed for occasional use only. (Check with your doctor.) About 10% of American adults have chronic insomnia. It may result in a lack of energy, a decreased ability to focus, cognitive impairment and overall fatigue. This reduces the quality of their life and may put them in danger. The NHTSA estimates that in 2017, drowsy driving was responsible for 91,000 crashes and at least 1,000 deaths. The good news is that insomnia is just anxiety at night. Fortunately, hypnotherapy is a very powerful sleep aid. When the anxiety levels are turned down, sleep comes naturally. The effectiveness of hypnosis to alleviate anxiety and insomnia have been demonstrated through medical research . Panic Attacks Extreme anxiety reactions are called panic attacks. These could be triggered by a phobia, social situation, having to present at school or for work, by getting caught in traffic, walking alone on a dark street, and sometimes for seemingly no reason. Panic attacks tend to happen in situations that cause anxiety for that person, but they are more powerful and harder to hide. The heart races, breathing speeds up, hands may sweat, and the mind gets foggy. There may also be chest pains, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, nausea, feeling weak, faint or dizzy. Some people with anxiety may never have a panic attack, while others I've treated had one or more panic attacks each week! About 6 million American adults have panic attacks, and women are twice as likely to have them as men. Whether a patient has generalized anxiety, insomnia, phobias, test-taking anxiety, or panic attacks--I've found hypnotherapy to be the most effective treatment. Of course my psychological training helps with anxious patients, and most are able to make significant progress in weeks rather than the months or years needed in psychotherapy. My work enables them to do the activities that caused anxiety or panic in the past--with few or no symptoms. < Back

  • Self-Sabotage Hypnosis: Tempe, Mesa, Chandler AZ

    Self-Sabotage There are a variety of ways some people sabotage their lives and success. They may engage in unhealthy behaviors like overeating , smoking, heavy drinking or drug abuse. Others establish relationships with abusive partners or those who continually create drama. The sabotage of one's education and career are also common. This manifests as quitting when it gets difficult, getting into arguments with the teacher or boss, lateness or absenteeism, procrastination, or an inability to finish tasks or projects. Even though this tendency expresses itself in myriad ways, at the core is usually a problem with self-esteem. If your self-image is one of a "loser," or "failure," or someone who is "powerless" to improve your circumstances, your subconscious will encourage you to have experiences that confirm this self-image. And, every time things don't work out, your inner child is there to remind you that you can't expect any better! Other people can be happy and successful--which makes you jealous--but you are not deserving or capable of creating happiness in your life. Individuals with this issue never seem to live up to their potential, and usually have trouble accepting compliments. When someone says something nice to you, do you immediately think it's not sincere, and/or the person just wants something? Even in your words and thoughts, do you put yourself down and diminish your accomplishments? A few years ago I treated a woman who won "Nurse of the Year" in a large hospital. While winners from previous years proudly displayed the award plaque at their office or work station, this woman never displayed it. Even worse, when I inquired about it, she couldn't even find the plaque anyplace at work or in her home! Friends and family members sometimes try to encourage these people--aware of their true potential. However, those words of support fall on deaf ears. The voice of their inner child is louder and more powerful! Early experiences of discouragement, criticism and lack of support live on in their minds and provide sabotaging thoughts and messages. Only through professional hypnotherapy can the messages from the inner child be changed to reflect what is possible. Many people I've helped have made dramatic changes in their lives. They received promotions or accepted higher-level jobs in other organizations. Some were able to find healthy romantic relationships, while others achieved their educational dreams! These changes became visible to all around them. Once their subconscious mind is re-programmed to line up with the adult possibilities rather than the childhood messages, major life changes seem to happen effortlessly. < Back

  • Hypnotherapy FAQs: Tempe, Gilbert, Mesa AZ

    Frequently Asked Questions Daniel explaining hypnotherapy to students at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (2016) What is hypnosis? Hypnosis has been defined as an altered state of consciousness characterized by focused imagination and a heightened receptivity to suggestion. Can everyone be hypnotized? It's a misconception that many people cannot be hypnotized. This is based on stage hypnotists and stories of those who participated in group hypnosis sessions. Individual clinical hypnotherapy is different. While some may take more time than others, I've only encountered 5 clients in over 10 years who I could not hypnotize. It hasn't happened in years! Will I be aware of what is happening? There are 15 levels of trance, and your awareness decreases as you go to the deeper levels. At the superficial levels you might hear everything I say. The middle levels get kind of dreamy and your conscious mind might "miss" some of what I say. At the deepest levels (after many sessions) you might "miss" most of what I say. However, you are not unconscious or asleep. Your subconscious is always listening and aware. Even in a deep dream, you are aware if your spouse kicks you, right? Can I be forced to do something against my will? This is another misconception. Even in stage hypnotist shows, every participant has a line he or she won't go past. Part of the fun is helping the audience believe the hypnotist is in total control, but that is just not true. NEVER! The men and women on the stage volunteered and agreed to be silly. And, as long as the hypnotist stays within those bounds they will cooperate. Similarly, the idea of a hypnotist getting someone to rob a bank or kill someone is totally ridiculous! Can I drive and go to work or home right after a session? Yes! It may take you 5 minutes to get fully present, but afterwards you will feel relaxed and ready to get on with your day or night. The only lingering effects are positive ones! How many sessions will I need? The vast majority of my patients will experience improvement after just the first session. However, I am usually working with issues or habits that go back years or decades. One-session promises usually use negative conditioning and don't address the underlying problem. That is not how I work. Many people who have stopped smoking that way end up with a weight issue or another issue because the underlying problem wasn't healed. I always recommend at least 4 sessions to have the best chance for a permanent solution. More involved cases require more sessions. However, while you are always welcome to come back at any time, the vast majority of my patients do not need follow-up sessions once we completed the course of treatment. Do you take insurance? No, like many other alternative healthcare professionals these services must be paid out of pocket. There have been instances where payment was completed through a Health Savings Account, but the program rules must allow it. The good news is for weight loss or smoking cessation services, my fees can be deducted as a medical expense on your income taxes. Is your office conveniently located? The office has been located in the same building since 2007. It is a few hundred feet from the intersection of East Broadway and the 101 (Price Freeway), across the street from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. The office is convenient for people who live or work in Tempe, Phoenix, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert and Scottsdale. Patients have also traveled from Sun City West, Prescott, Glendale, Casa Grande and Tucson. How does hypnosis compare to other treatment options? Most patients have tried a variety of methods before stepping into my office. Diet plans have a terrible track record, and without doubt, hypnotherapy works faster than various forms of psychotherapy or counseling. I've treated many people who made more progress with me in a few months than they had with a psychotherapist in many years! I do believe counseling can be useful in certain cases, but there is no comparison in speed or efficacy when compared to hypnotherapy. I am also not a fan of a pharmaceutical approach--although again, there may be cases where it can be useful. The best proof for me is provided by the Veterans Administration that switched from using hypnosis for "shell shock" or PTSD in the 1980s to a protocol of group counseling and pharmaceuticals. If that approach were effective, why would we have 22 veterans killing themselves every day? Perhaps millions of other veterans suffer with drug and alcohol abuse in an attempt to quiet their demons. This is a tragedy. How should I pick a hypnotherapist? There are people who pick a practitioner based on fees or proximity to their home or job. I don't agree with that approach. In every profession there are those who are more skilled and those who are less skilled. If you read my testimonials, you'll see I often help people make significant life changes. Could just anyone do it? Another variable is where a hypnotherapist practices. Many of my competitors practice out of their home. While that is a cost savings for the practitioner, it could raise pet/allergy issues, extraneous noise concerns or worries about safety. My office is in a professional office building that houses many small businesses. It is centrally located, with plenty of free parking in our lots. Training in this profession varies greatly. There are competitors who were trained and certified over the internet. Others whose training is less than impressive. And, very, very few who have any sort of psychological education--on an undergraduate or graduate level. So choose based on what's important to you. My only advice is: Treat this as an important decision, because it is!

  • Hypnosis Approach: Phoenix, Scottsdale AZ

    My Approach Do you have an issue that affects your life, yet no matter how hard you try to fix it, long-term success eludes you? Perhaps you've tried a medical approach, counseling, pharmaceuticals, acupuncture, self-help books or motivational programs. Yet, despite the optimistic promises, your issue persists--or returns. Why is that? Most likely these professionals have been treating the symptoms, not the cause. Do you even know the the cause or causes of your issue? Most clients I see initially do not. Yet, those same people would expect a mechanic to diagnose the cause before working on their vehicle, right? How can something be fixed without knowing the cause? But diagnosing the cause is only the first step. If the mechanic doesn't have the knowledge, tools or parts to fix it--you are still out of luck! This is why 90% of weight-loss programs fail long term. The same is true for drug and alcohol rehab. This is also why people who take two-hours to fall asleep, or are afraid to drive on freeways just try to make do. Why people give up on dating or relationships--or sex. Why people repeatedly self-sabotage, or are afraid to even try to live to their potential. And, when they do push themselves to do something difficult, they may have a panic attack! For some, speaking at a meeting or doing a class presentation creates terrible anxiety. There are causes for these problems--and I've successfully treated them all. Most likely, the solution won't be found in a prescription pill or a wine bottle. Quite simply, the problem is in their subconscious, and they have no access to it in their day-to-day life. Neither do most other healthcare professionals. If you'd like to understand how hypnotherapy works and see independent assessments of its effectiveness, this recent Forbes article will be very helpful: "Hypnosis: Is It Worth The Hype ?" < Back

  • Hypnosis | Hours/Fees | Phoenix, Scottsdale AZ

    Hours & Fees Hours and Fees By Appointment Only All services of Inner Power Hypnosis & Coaching are by appointment only. For a free phone consultation, or to make your first appointment, please call the number at the bottom of the page during office hours. Hours The office is primarily open Monday to Friday. Saturday morning appointments may be made in special circumstances. During the week, the earliest appointment starts at 9:00 AM. The last appointment is at 5:00 or 5:30 PM. Initial appointments take 2 hours and cost $200. During that time, an intake interview is completed, how hypnotherapy works is explained and the first hypnosis treatment occurs. Subsequent appointments last 90 minutes and cost $150. Additional time may be provided at no extra expense, based on the situation and my availability. Attempts are always made to make each session as productive as possible. Number of Sessions Needed Since my goal is to help you make a permanent change, I always recommend you plan on at least four sessions. Each person and situation is different, and I am happy to estimate the number of sessions needed at the conclusion of your first or second appointment. However, you are never obligated to pay for, or attend, a certain number of sessions. You decide about your progress and how long you would like to continue the treatments. The good news is the vast majority of patients experience an improvement after just the first session!

Hypnosis Contact

The office is convenient to Tempe, Mesa, Chandler, Phoenix, Gilbert, Ahwatukee, and South Scottsdale.
Please call to make an appointment, or for a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Hypnosis Office Tempe AZ

Inner Power Hypnosis & Coaching

2131 E. Broadway Rd., Suite 5
Tempe AZ 85282



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